What Do You Do When the Love is Gone?

Married couples vow to stay together till death do them part, but many go back on that promise and get divorced. A lot of hostility can develop between couples over time despite the fact that they truly loved each other in the beginning of their relationship. People commonly mistake lust for love, and that becomes obvious when they get divorced from each other within five years of the date they got married. After all, real love should continue to exist through the good times and the bad. So, what are you supposed to do if you find yourself in a loveless marriage?

It’s hard to continue to live with a person that you no longer feel connected to. Certain obligations like children or finances may be keeping you around instead of the love of your partner. It’s never too late to save your marriage as long as you’re willing to give it your all. It’s possible, but it will take a lot of effort on your part. Couples need to express their feelings with each other, which is why communication is so important. At some point, your feelings towards your spouse left, so you need to determine exactly when that happened. What happened in your life to make you feel the way you do? You need to get everything out on the table and discuss them honestly with your partner. Always remember that part of the fault is yours.

Maybe you’d prefer to leave things the way they are and just live with the situation. It may seem silly to do this, but there are actually a few reasons why some people would prefer to do so. Many times couples try to co-exist for the sake of the children. Don’t be fooled, however. If you stay together just for the sake of your children, it won’t make things any better especially since they can clearly see something is wrong. People also stay in loveless marriages because they are afraid to try and face life without a partner, because financial pressures don’t make it feasible to separate, or just because they don’t want to admit that their marriage is a failure.

Some couples have benefited by staying together. If you do choose to stay together, then make sure that you invest plenty of energy into communicating with your partner properly. Never compare your marriage to anyone else’s and let yourself start feeling like they are normal and you are not. No two marriages are the same, just like no two people are the same.

Kristie Brown writes on a variety of topics from health to technology. Check out her websites on marriage and marriage success secrets.