Grieving After A Breakup How Much Is Too Much?

A certain amount of grief after a breakup is completely normal and even expected.. There comes a time however, when you must continue on with your life or, at the least, find a new life to pursue. It won’t be easy. It won’t happen overnight. Grieving is a process that takes longer for some people to work through than others.

Unfortunately there isn’t a certain, written in stone, time limit for what is natural in a grieving process. Every relationship is different. People love differently. Relationships have different levels of intensity and last for different lengths of time. The longer a couple has been together and the more unexpected the breakup was, the worse the grieving process has a tendency to be. Even then though there are no rules. Sometimes a short love affair can be filled with passion and greatly mourned when that lover leaves.

The Grieving Process

There is no definitive ‘too much’ category for the length of time or level of grief. The most important thing is how natural you feel the level of grief you’re experiencing happens to be. If you feel it’s natural and that you’re entitled to grieve this deeply or this long then it’s PROBABLY well within the range of natural and normal.

If you’re beginning to worry that you’ll never recover or feel normal (or even happy) again then you may be suffering from a deeper depression that will require help to overcome. Please don’t hesitate to get the help you need if this is the case for you.

Overcoming Grief

Grief might feel as though it’s taking over your world for a while. You may even allow it to for a short period of time. Eventually though you’re going to need to find a way to overcome that grief and rise above it. The big question is how to accomplish that monumental task.

• Surround yourself with people who love you. These are the people who are on your side and only want the best for you. They are going to be the ones who are unshakable in their efforts to help you get your bearings and find your place in this world flying solo again – even if you aren’t quite ready to move on just yet.
• Find things to do to fill your time. It’s the empty hours that you face alone when the grief feels overwhelming to most people in your situation. The best way to get around that onslaught of grief is to make sure that you’re not alone very often and when you are alone that you find your mind worn out – in a good way – so that it isn’t filled with thoughts of grief but other, more positive, thoughts instead.
• Find new joys in life. It’s easy to focus on what you’ve lost and what you no longer have. When you focus instead on new things that are making your life happier you’ll have less energy left over to revisit the past and grieve over the love you’ve lost.

There are no solutions that work for everyone every single time when it comes to overcoming grief. But there are quite a few that are effective for most. One sure-fire solution to overcome the grief over losing an ex is to figure out how to get your ex back once and for all. Follow the link above to learn a way that has worked for thousands of other couples in situations just like yours.