Can someone ever really go back with the “ex” ? And if so is it really ever the same?

Getting Back Together With Ex question by Lucy: Can someone ever really go back with the “ex” ? And if so is it really ever the same?
I always hear about people and I’ve been there too; who think how great it would be if they got back together with their ex.

Getting Back Together With Ex best answer:

Answer by infosik
depends on how u two seperated and how two of u want each other…being same is a something u shldnt anycase yesterday can never be same like today 🙂

all the best

Schatz says:

Try to break glass and put the broken parts together and use the glue to fix it, it will be ok but looks ugly.You may use the glass later on but you will not be comfortable, you will always seek for new glass to replace the old one to avoid Injury.

lheald86 says:

i dated a guy in high school… we loved eachother very much.. i got jealous and we split up. now (5 years later) were back together and it is so much better than it was before. he is the only ex that i would ever get back together with, the rest are dogs. lol

tattitiger says:

It depends why they broke up in the first place and what kind of damage has been done to the relationship, also the time that has elapsed.
I think in general that if a relationship breaks down, then that is a sign that things arent meant to be.
I know people that this has happened to and it has never really worked second time around…personally, I wouldnt get back with an ex.

weeOne says:

If it didn’t work before, then it won’t work again. Don’t get yourself back in the same old rut. It is better to move on and find someone who appreciates you more.

venomredford says:

It could even be better the second time around. It really depends if you have dealt with the issues that drove you apart the first time around. For example if it was problems with interfering family members and you have moved away or financial problems and circumstances have changed for the better then there is so hope. However if you broke up the first time because of infidelity or abuse then more then likely things will be no different the second time around. People grow, mature and change so there is always hope.